
EYE See You

Friday, May 20, 8am

It has been a while since we updated our ESBeats blog here. We endeavor to be more regular with our updates and back stories for the shows we produce. There have been some technical difficulties in the studio the last few times we’ve been in that have made it somewhat difficult to keep the listeners up-to-speed on what they’re listening to. Hoping we can fix that regular occurrence sooner rather than later.

We try to build our 2-hour shows around one-word themes. This past week was “EYES”. From “Eye of the Tiger” to “Bette Davis Eyes”, I feel we gave the topic an exhaustive look given the time constraints and look forward to revisiting for a possible Part 2 in the future.

You can access the podcast here: ESBeats: EYES

This weekend will be more of a “mixtape” type episode. ESBeats: Jukebox will be live on at 2pm PT on Saturday, May 21.



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