
Geek EmaNation

KALINICH/TIVEN’s Rockin’ Spirituality On Geek EmaNation Podcast!

Friday, September 11

Kalinich TivenSTEVEN KALINICH and JON TIVEN have been around various and sundry elements of the rock’n’roll scene since the swinging ’60s, hanging with the likes of several BEACH BOYS, some ROLLING STONES, ALEX CHILTON, PAUL MCCARTNEY and many others across the years.  They’ve also written over 1000 songs together, and a small portion of those songs have appeared on 2 remarkable albums released over the past few years, most notably on their most recent release Each Soul Has A Voice.  You’ll hear that entire record with discussion/commentary by its creators on this unexpectedly spiritual and philosophical GE episode.  Inner/outer peace never rocked so hard, fellow music geeks!


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