Hosted by The Girl Next Door
The Metal Asylum: 4/27/2013
April 27, 2013 12:00pm


The Metal Asylum
The Metal Asylum: 4/27/2013
1. Trouble | Victim of the Insane | Psalm 9
2. Sentinel Beast | Sentinel Beast | Depths of Death
3. Saint Vitus | White Stallions | The Walking Dead / Hallow’s Victim
4. Whiplash | Message In Blood | Power and Pain
5. Saxon | Machine Gun | Denim and Leather
6. Mercyful Fate | Black Funeral | Melissa
7. Suicidal Tendencies | Till My Last Breath | 13
8. Romero | Wheeling Deervish | Take the Potion
9. Diamond Plate | Relativity | Generation Why?
10. Cobalt | A Starved Horror | Gin
11. Fen | A Witness to the Passing of Aeons | The Malediction Fields
12. Fanisk | Enantiodromia | Insularum
13. Hypocrisy | End of Disclosure | End of Disclosure
14. I Shalt Become | Insects | Wanderings
15. Craft | World of Plague | Total Soul Rape
16. Whitechapel | Father of Lies | This Is Exile
17. Death | Baptized In Blood | Scream Bloody Gore
18. Bloodsoaked | My Own God | Sadistic Deeds…Grotesque Memories
19 High On Fire | Fertile Green | De Vermis Mysteriis
20. Nero Di Marte | Resilient | Nero Di Marte
21. The Gardnerz | Bloody Vengeance (Vulcano Cover) | The System of Nature
22. Fleshgod Apocalypse | Conspiracy of Silence | Mafia - EP

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