Hosted by The Girl Next Door
The Metal Asylum: 1/24/15
January 24, 2015 12:00pm


The Metal Asylum
The Metal Asylum: 1/24/15
1. The Red Chord | Send the Death Storm | Prey for Eyes
2. Darkest Hour | The Last Dance Massacre | So Sedated, So Secure
3. Diamond Plate | Relativity | Generation Why?
4. Sodom | Sacred Warpath | Sacred Warpath - EP
5. Mantar | Into the Golden Abyss | Death by Burning
6. Anthrax | Subjugator | Fistful of Metal
7. Iced Earth | Stormrider (Reworked Version) | Days of Purgatory
8. Overkill | Rotten to the Core | Feel the Fire
9. Panzer, The German | Temple of Doom | Send Them All to Hell
10. Xibalba | Guerilla | Tierra Y Libertad
11. Inquisition | Where Darkness Is Lord and Death the Beginning | Nefarious Dismal Orations
12. Fleshgod Apocalypse | Minotaur (The Wrath of Poseidon) | Metal Hymns Vol. 14
13. Winterfylleth | The Threnody of Triumph | The Threnody of Triumph
14. Iron Maiden | Run To The Hills | The Number Of The Beast
15. Urgehal | Holocaust in Utopia | Ikonoklast
16. Summoning | Lugburz | Minas Morgul
17. Lunar Aurora | Reng | Hoagascht
18. Krohm | Silence Turns To Gray | A World Through Dead Eyes
19. Horrendous | The Stranger | Ecdysis
20. Xibalba | Cold | Hasta La Muerte

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