Hosted by The Girl Next Door
The Metal Asylum: 5/9/15
May 9, 2015 12:00pm


The Metal Asylum
The Metal Asylum: 5/9/15
1. The Sword | Maiden, Mother & Crone | Gods of the Earth
2. Havok | Afterburner | Burn
3. Philip H. Anselmo & Warbeast | Birth of a Psycho | War of the Gargantuas - EP
4. Venom | Hellchild | Possessed
5. Satyricon | Mother North | Nemesis Divina
6. King Diamond | Mother’s Getting Weaker | Them
7. Bathory | Mother Earth Father Thunder | Nordland I
8. Gorgoroth | Rebirth | Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt
9. Lord Mantis | Negative Birth | Death Mask
10. Cormorant | Daughter of Void | Earth Diver
11. Opeth | Heir Apparent | XXX: Three Decades of Roadrunner Records
12. Dendritic Arbor | Pestiferous Disease Vectoring | Romantic Love
13. Pantera | Primal Concrete Sledge | Cowboys from Hell
14. Refused | Elektra | Freedom
15. Goatsnake | Black Age Blues | Black Age Blues
16. Napalm Death | More Than Meets the Eye | Fear, Emptiness, Despair
17. Drudkh | | A Furrow Cut Short

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