Hosted by The Girl Next Door
the METAL ASYLUM - 12/5/15 - filling in for Dj Jody, the LAM &the Father show from RAMPAGE Radio!! // the METAL ASYLUM - This is where it all goes down! The finest Thrash, Death, Speed, Black, NWOBHM, Hardcore, Doom, Sludge, Progressive, Noise, and Post-metal brought to you by \'The Girl Next Door.\' DJ Jody brings you to the brink of hearing loss and back again, just in time for lunch.
December 5, 2015 12:00pm


The Metal Asylum
the METAL ASYLUM - 12/5/15 - filling in for Dj Jody, the LAM &the Father show from RAMPAGE Radio!! // the METAL ASYLUM - This is where it all goes down! The finest Thrash, Death, Speed, Black, NWOBHM, Hardcore, Doom, Sludge, Progressive, Noise, and Post-metal brought to you by \'The Girl Next Door.\' DJ Jody brings you to the brink of hearing loss and back again, just in time for lunch.
the METAL ASYLUM - 112/5/15 - filling in for Dj Jody, the LAM &the Father show from RAMPAGE Radio!! // the METAL ASYLUM - This is where it all goes down! The finest Thrash, Death, Speed, Black, NWOBHM, Hardcore, Doom, Sludge, Progressive, Noise, and Post-metal brought to you by \'The Girl Next Door.\' DJ Jody brings you to the brink of hearing loss and back again, just in time for lunch.

Playing History
December 5, 2015 12:00pm - 2:00pm

12:10pm: Sinner by Judas Priest

12:14pm: At the Left Hand of God by Behemoth

12:20pm: Opening of the Month by Nile

12:25pm: Thunder Roar, the Conquest, La Boca De La Beastia:Mouth of the Beast by Hirax

12:30pm: Piano Wire by Slayer

12:33pm: Malfeitor by Watain

12:40pm: Siamo Demoni by Giuda

12:48pm: the Abyss / Realm of Terror by Merciless Death

12:55pm: Hall of the Mountain King by Savatage

1:00pm: Capillarian Crest by Mastodon

1:04pm: Hammers of Misfortune by Unholy Cadaver

1:08pm: The Thing That Should Not Be by Metallica

1:13pm: Speed Demon by Unholy Cadaver

1:17pm: Suicide Terrorist by Kreator

1:21pm: Manipulator of Souls by Kataklysm

1:27pm: Morning Palace by Dimmu Borgir

1:36pm: At the Point of Ignition by Dark Tranquility

1:39pm: Hammer Fall by Hammer Fall

1:43pm: Your Days Are Numbered by Children of Bodom

1:48pm: Spirit Crushser by Death

The Metal Asylum - Rampage Radio -L.A.T.F. the LAM ANDTHE FATHER SHOW w/ Last Angry Manny and Father FeatherStonE!! Welcome to the Asylum by The tards Lam and Father This is where it all goes down! The finest Thrash, Death, Speed, Black, NWOBHM, Hardcore, Doom, Sludge, Progressive, Noise, and Post-metal brought to you by \'The Girl Next Door.\' DJ Jody brings you to the brink of hearing loss and back again, just in time for lunch.

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