starring Dr. Hal !
May 24, 2024 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
WITH NO MUSIC or sound effects, still continued, thanks to followers on the Chatterbox who kept us going by posing questions for us to answer for three lo-ong hours. The arrangement of studio devices had been scrambled by other users and there was no time to trouble-shoot before beginning. When the Studio's not configured for the show to run there's little we can do. Only the fans made it possible this time. We're hoping to guarantee our next podcast by bringing in not only a guest but also a technical expert who will make sure we're connected. All these show failures... it's not us-- it's the equipment! Yet, "it's a poor workman who blames his tools." We hope to get back to the level of content we used to enjoy. GAK-K-K-KK!

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