Toasted by KrOB
May 31, 2024 12:00am




| Camper Van Beethoven - Border Ska

| Froggy - 7-Eleven Nachos

| The Go-Nuts - Hot for Twinkies

| Steve Martin - Banana Banjo

| Michael Prime - Banana Rattan

| Kristin Hersh - Velvet Days (Instrumental String Version)

| (excerpts from) "Hypnosis & Beyond"

| Robert Millis & Bardo Todol - A Magnetic Road to Hell [B]

| Horizontal R**** - Russia

| Broadcast - Puzzle

| Gustavo Santaolalla - Finch

| High aura'd - Sleep Like The Dead

| Illusion of Safety - Identical Difference

| Drafty Drawers [2-B]

| Mind Jamming

| Giacinto Scelsi – Uaxuctum : The Legend of The Mayan City Which They Themselves Destroyed for Religious Reasons [3rd Movement]

| Shortwave

| Testu Inoue - Elevator Drops

| Paul Lansky - Six Fantasies on a Poem by Thomas Campion : Her Song

| Big City Orchestra - There Will Come Soft Rains

| Eddie Vedder - Cartography (Nick Zinner RFK Remix)


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