Hosted by The Girl Next Door
The Metal Asylum: 2/9/13
February 9, 2013 12:00pm


The Metal Asylum
The Metal Asylum: 2/9/13
1. Behold! The Monolith | Witch Hunt Supreme | Defender - Redeemist
2. Vomitor | Metal or Die | The Escalation
3. Boris | Galaxians | Heavy Rocks
4. Voivod | Target Earth | Target Earth
5. Batillus | Cast | Batillus/Mutilation Rites Split - Single
6. Suffocation | Catatonia | Despise The Sun - EP
7. Lightning Swords Of Death | Baphometic Chaosium | Baphometic Chaosium
8. Betraeus | Towards the Sun | Towards the Sun
9. Decapitated | Invisible Control | Organic Hallucinosis
10. Murderlicious | Set Apart | Murderlicious
11. The Locust | Wet Dream War Machine | Plague Soundscapes
12. Meshuggah | Pitch Black | Pitch Black
13. Necronomitron | 1914 | Necronomitron
14. Dimmu Borgir | Lepers Among Us | Death Cult Armageddon
15. Satyricon | Dark Medival Times | Dark Medieval Times
16. Blockheads | Trail of the Dead | This World Is Dead
17. Aborym | V | Psychogrotesque
18. The Ocean | Queen of the Food-Chain | Aeolian
19. The Gates of Slumber | Of That Which Can Never Be | Stormcrow
20. Inter Arma | Destroyer | Destroyer - EP

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