Lucylu1212: Wow. Good luck with the date. That will be way interesting and uncomfortable to listen to, haha (8:10pm)
Micah: The more uncomfortable the better! (8:12pm)
pinksmish: being inclusive isn't for the people who already feel comfortable in their identify -- its a super nice gesture for people who are not (8:14pm)
Lucylu1212: I was still in middle school when I visited NY, so I felt even more overwhelmed. Loved Central Park though... probably cuz of the nature aspect which is what I am used to (8:20pm)
Lucylu1212: I used to volunteer at the crisis center, and we had a person whose sole job was to call people at the nursing homes who don%u2019t have any visitors. It was so sweet but so heartbreaking as well. (8:22pm)
Lucylu1212: I heard something on y%u2019all radio about how DNA testing will lead to more personalized medication and diagnoses... which could lead to longer lives (8:24pm)
pinksmish: That singularity dude has been saying 20 more years for .. 40 years (8:25pm)