SF Green Film Fest 2013: "Ordinary" people save the world
May 30, 2013 5:00pm


Depth Perception
SF Green Film Fest 2013: "Ordinary" people save the world
The third annual San Francisco Green Film Festival opens tonight, running May 30-June 5. Rebels with a Cause, the opening night film, traces how the activism of "ordinary citizens" created the Point Reyes National Seashore, permanently protecting the area, and saving it from an especially hideous development. Director Nancy Kelly shares tales from the film as well as some deep background on the making of the doc
Interview previously aired 10/4/12; music is all new!
For more info:

The Mountain - Tracy Grammer
Mountain's Sunrise - Annwn
At the Bottom of the Sea - The Thermals
Mother Earth's Revenge - Karan Casey
Rising River Blues - Paul Geremia
Movers & Shakers -Valerie Orth

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