Get Up, Stand Up: Ken Burns on The Central Park Five; Travis Fine on Any Day Now.
December 13, 2012 5:00pm


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Get Up, Stand Up: Ken Burns on The Central Park Five; Travis Fine on Any Day Now.
"It's not the First Amendment for no reason, it's the FIRST Amendment!"
Documentarian extraordinaire Ken Burns discusses his new film, The Central Park Five. The delineates the combination of ignorance, corruption, and racism that led to the fale conviction of five black and Latino teens for the gang rape of the Central Park Jogger.

Unlikely People Finding Love in Unlikely Places
Director Travis Fine discusses his latest narrative film, Any Day Now, which, based on a true story, portrays a gay couple trying to adopt their foster child n 1978. Lead Alan Cumming is getting some Oscar buzz for his excellent ptrtrayal of Rudy.

Prison on Route 41, Iron & Wine
Freedom, Axis Of Justice
Let Freedom Ring The Nightwatchman
waving flag [Knaan cover], Mando Diao
I Shall Be Released, Joe Cocker
[Take It Easy San Francisco, Emily Wells]

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